October 20, 2017 3 min read

There has been much discussion about the impact of helmets on hair loss. Fortunately there has been zero scientific evidence of the connection between the two. However, some unofficial research has provided some links.  

If hair loss was caused by wearing helmets then you can’t stop wearing helmets because then you will put yourself at serious risk of injury. However, there are ways to keep yourself safe but also help support the health of your hair and scalp.

Make sure you helmet is consistently clean –

If your helmet is dirty and not clean, then your scalp will become dirty and unhealthy. The inner layer of the helmet gets wet with sweat, along with air born bacteria and dirt, all getting rubbed into the padding and lining of the helmet. This could cause your scalp to become infected and the health of your scalp and hair could become affected.

What should I do?

Regularly clean the inner lining of your helmet, use anti-bacterial spray to help stop the spread to your scalp. Make sure you dry the helmet out naturally and it’s completely dry before use.  Store your helmet in an airy place so that it can easily dry out after use to promote hygienic storage and keep it from smelling.

Make sure the helmet is worn the right way –

Can helmets cause Traction Alopecia? Traction Alopecia is a type of hair loss due to continuous pulling on your hair in a backwards direction. So it’s said that if your helmet is the wrong size then this causes the hairs to be pulled away from your hairline. If Traction Alopecia is being caused then the hair roots will move too close to the surface with nothing to secure the root in place, meaning they are more likely to fall out. 

What are the ways to check if your helmet is fitted correctly?

The main solution is to check that your helmet is secure to stop any traction happening.  Best way to check is the shake your head and may sure there is not much movement, ensuring there is no tension between the helmet and the surface of your head.

Ensure your hair is the healthiest it can be –

After using your helmet there will be a build-up of sweat. Make sure that you wash and clean your hair and scalp after you use the helmet. 

What to do?

As well as washing your hair after each time you use your helmet, when during breaks you should take your helmet off and let both your scalp and helmet dry off. You could even use a cotton cloth to wipe the inside of the helmet and leave it there to soak up any sweat, and simultaneously reduce any friction between your hair and the helmet.  You could use a range of moisturizing products, from Aloe Vera or coconut oil to a leave-in conditioner, but if you really want to protect and restore your hair, try using HairMax Density Shampoo and Conditioner regimen.

Treat and existing scalp problems –

It’s been suggested that regular use of a helmet can aggravate already existing hair and scalp conditions. This includes dandruff, itchy scalp and scalp infection.  Although there is no scientific evidence to prove this you should still be cautious when using a helmet regularly.

Best thing to do?

First thing to do is to visit a doctor or a dermatologist to find out if there are any underlying problems. There is a wide range of medicated shampoos and other products you can buy, like HairMax Density Activator, that helps nourish the scalp for the growth of naturally stronger, denser hair with a calculated blend of nutrients, antioxidants and DHT blockers. There are also some home remedies you can try for a more natural solution.  


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