What happens when you swallow a hair?
Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup - Of course sir, that's rabbit stew.... (cue silence and tumbleweed....)Let’s say you are at your favourite restaurant and you have just ordered a bowl of soup. You grab your spoon and...
Washing Your Hair - The Do's & Don'ts
It seems almost impossible to think that there are right and wrong ways of washing your hair and how often we do it, but a hair wash is so much more than just cleaning our hair - it’s like therapy...
How Thick Is A Strand Of Hair?
Hair can be found all over human body with the exception of the palms of hands and the soles of feet. The purpose of hair is for protection. The hairs on the body keeps a person warm, nose hairs prevent...
A stem cell hair transplant is similar to a traditional hair transplant. But rather than removing a large number of hairs to transplant to the area of hair loss, a stem cell hair transplant removes a small skin sample from...
How Your Hair Changes As You Grow Older
Aging is inevitable, with it comes physical changes — wrinkled skin, weaker bones, and greying hair. The latter being the one of the earliest to manifest in life. However, greying isn’t the only thing that happens to hair as you...
Greying of hair is a fact of life for most people, as is hair loss as you age. So what are the facts about grey hair, what are the causes, and is there any effective treatment, other than dying your...
I’ve been a hairstylist for 48 years and have been honored with the most prestigious awards in my industry. I've made numerous appearances on national television as a makeover expert and worked with many celebrity A-listers. One of the most...
Male pattern baldness and men going bald has been the norm and often the butt of many jokes between blokes, but baldness and hair loss is not isolated to just men, more and more women are seeing hair loss. Many...
Let there be light - Science recognizes that all life forms, regardless of how primitive or how advanced, derive life-giving sustenance from the sun’s energy. Since the dawn of time, the sun has been the source of all life on...