March 25, 2019 2 min read

When people say, hair loss “runs in the family”, they are most likely referring to hereditary hair loss.

Actually, hereditary-pattern baldness, which is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common form of hair loss. Hereditary hair loss is a natural condition triggered through genetic disposition, hormone levels, and the aging process.

Most men and women will notice hair loss or hair thinning as they age. If you have relatives who have experienced hair loss your risk of hereditary hair loss increases, but it is your genetic blueprint that will define certain factors such as: at what age your hair loss begins, how quickly you lose your hair, and the pattern and to what extent your hair loss will occur.

Although hereditary hair loss is most common in men, it also occurs in women – for every five men with the condition, three women are also affected. There is a difference within this type of hair loss: men experience “male pattern baldness”, which typically appears at the front, mid-scalp, or crown of the scalp, and women generally experience “female pattern baldness”, which typically appears on the top or crown of the scalp.

Simply put, men will see thinning start with a receding hairline or bald spot on the back of the head, while in women thinning often starts with a widening part that leaves the front hairline unaffected.

For normally progressing hereditary hair loss there is unfortunately no cure, however there is a medical device available that is clinically proven to treat hair loss and reverse thinning, called the HairMax LaserBand 82 – which can help you take control of your hair loss situation.

HairMax has innovated laser devices that deliver low level laser light energy to your hair follicles through high quality medical grade lasers. This boost of nourishing light energy stimulates and enlivens your hair follicles at the root, activating them to regrow fuller, denser, more vibrant hair.

HairMax laser devices have been proven safe and effective in 7 clinical studies with 460 men and women. Study participants experience significant new hair growth with an average increase in hair count of 129 additional new hairs per square inch.

Early treatment works the best, to prevent further loss and thinning. And with an over 90% success rate, HairMax devices are not only FDA cleared, drug free and without harmful side effects, but are recommended by doctors and have been used by over 1.5 million men and women around the world.

HairMax has dedicated two decades to the research, design and innovation of hair growth laser therapy and enriching the lives of those suffering from hair loss.
The positive, life changing effects that thicker, fuller, healthier hair has on HairMax users is incredible and has shown how the self-confidence gained from improving your physical appearance touches so many aspects of your life.

Growing stronger hair means feeling a stronger self, which in turn translates to the self-confidence to be more assertive, start taking better care of yourself and focus on the important parts of life – enjoying it!

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